Thai Massage
Also known as “yoga for the lazy”, Thai massage uses a combination of rocking, gentle pressure and passive stretches to relax and recharge your entire body.
What is Thai massage?
In Thailand, Thai massage is known as “ancient” or “traditional” massage. It is a combination of acupressure, Shiatsu and yogic stretches. Thai massage stimulates the acupressure points across your body, healing pain and releasing tension. Many Thai people have a regular massage, relying on it to keep them aligned and healthy.Thai massage earned its nickname “yoga for the lazy” through its gentle techniques and passive stretches. Starting at the feet and moving up to the head, the body is carefully moved, loosened and stretched. A special system of movements allows Thai massage to be performed easily and without strenuous effort. Each move is designed to support both client and therapist.Alongside lazy yoga, the therapist will apply gentle pressure with his palms and feet along energy lines and acupressure points. Although Thai massage works on the body, the belief system behind it is one of complete healing, aimed at connecting body, energy and mind.
What is Thai massage good for?
Thai massage is thought to:* increase your sense of calm* increase energy* open up the meridians (energy paths) in the body* relieve pain and muscle tension* improve flexibility* increase blood circulation* encourage healthier sleep patterns* treat backache, neck ache, shoulder pain, numbness and tired limbs* soothe headaches, stress and mental fatigue.Thai massage is suitable for young and the not-so-young, the active and the not-so-active, the healthy and the not-so-healthy alike. It is thought to reduce recovery time for injured athletes and help to soothe emotional upset by rebalancing the body. It is believed to have relaxing and energising benefits for the giver, too, creating a sense of enlightenment, calm and good feeling within.