Aqua Spa Wellness


Back Massage, the most fundamental and popular of all spa services, concentrates on the back of the body and can be ideal for sufferers of chronic back pain. As the spa-goer has become more sophisticated and adventurous, new styles of massage—some centuries old, some brand new—have emerged. But the quality of the massage remains in the therapists’ hands.

Like many health-conscious people these days, you’re probably aware of the many benefits of massage. But do you know your lomilomi from your tui na, and when to choose one style over another? The wealth of options out there now can be a bit overwhelming, but on the flipside, it also means there’s a massage therapy for everyone—even if you have injuries or limitations that you thought made massage out of the question.

Whether you’re new to massage or are looking to broaden your horizons, you’re sure to find a style that’s right for you. Also, let’s back up to the basics—a good massage can relieve stress and pain, and just plain ol’ make you feel good. It can also enhance immunity and increase flexibility.

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