балийский массаж
Балиец массаж является всего тела, глубокие ткани, целостного лечения, который сочетает в себе акупрессура, рефлексотерапия, растяжения и ароматерапии, чтобы стимулировать кровообращение, облегчить мышечную и боль в суставах, и принести ощущение благополучия, спокойствия и глубокой релаксации.
Что такое балийский массаж?
A Balinese massage uses a combination of gentle stretches, acupressure and aromatherapy oils to stimulate the flow of blood, oxygen and “qi” (energy) around your body, and bring deep relaxation and wellness. An ancient technique, Balinese massage uses a variety of techniques including skin rolling, kneading and stroking, acupressure and reflexology; essential oils will relax and soothe you.Balinese massage is a rigorous and luxurious spa treatment and a great one to choose if you want to experience a variety of massage techniques, relax and feel spiritually renewed at the same time. Balinese massage is related to the Ayurveda, the Indian holistic medical system. A relaxation massage with attitude, this treatment will boost your circulation and give you a deep tissue and muscular massage as well.
Что такое балийский массаж хорошо?
A Balinese massage works deeply to soothe damaged tissue, and relieve strained muscles and joint pain. The boost to your circulation will help reduce stress and rebalance your body. Because it works very deeply into the tissue, as well as boosting circulation and harnessing acupressure and reflexology techniques, Balinese massage is a highly effective treatment for sports injuries. Balinese massage aims to help with a wide range of ailments, including migraine, muscle and joint pain, sleep disorder, stress, anxiety or depression, as well as allergies and breathing problems such as asthma. The use of oils is calming and sensual and leaves you feeling relaxed and serene.