Аква Spa Wellness



According to the Association of Reflexologists, Reflexology is “a complementary therapy, which works on the feet to aid healing to the whole person, not just the prevailing symptoms”.

What is reflexology?

The Good Spa Guide spoke to Tracey Smith, Reflexology Support Manager for the Association of Reflexologists, to find out about the theory and practice of reflexology.

“The theory behind reflexology,” says Tracy, “is that following illness, stress, injury or disease, the body is in a state of ‘imbalance’. Vital energy pathways may be blocked, preventing the body from functioning effectively. Reflexology may be used to restore and maintain the body’s natural equilibrium and encourage healing. A trained reflexologist may detect imbalances in the feet. By working on these points, the reflexologist may release blockages and restore the free flow of energy to the whole body. Tensions are eased, and circulation and elimination might be improved. This gentle therapy encourages the body to heal itself, often counteracting a lifetime of misuse.”

What is reflexology good for?

Many people go to see a reflexologist for the same reasons as they might go for a massage: to help with their general health, and to make them feel relaxed and calm.Reflexology may help us to cope on a physical, mental and emotional level by encouraging us to heal and maintain health in mind, body and spirit. But because reflexology is such a comprehensive treatment, it can help you in many other ways. There are some suggestions that reflexology may help a variety of conditions including:* stress-related problems* back pain* headaches* sub-fertility issues* sleep problems* hormonal issues.

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