Aqua Spa Wellness



Feet are the lowest part of body. They have hard functions such as carry the body weight and move our bodies to everywhere we want. Many problems may occur with feet such as corns, calluses, blisters, heel pain, tinea, warts, odour or cracked heels. This article will help you to know how to take care of your feet and how to relieve some feet problems.
Weekly care for feet

  1. Soak your feet in warm water about 10-15 minutes at least once a week. It is helpful for blood circulation of feet, feet relaxation and decrease tenderness after long walking or running.
  2. Cut the nails to a suitable length, should be not too short because you may have a problem of ingrowing toenails.
  3. For protection calluses (dead cells under the foot), you have to file your feet especially on the heels gently once a week.
  4. Scrub your feet with foot products about 10-15 minutes. and or massage around with foot moisturizer.
  5. Spray your feet with deodrant foot spray for protection from any bad odour.


A manicure is a cosmetic beauty treatment for the fingernails and hands performed at home or in a nail salon. A manicure treatment is not only a treatment for the natural nails but also for the hands. A manicure consists of filing, shaping of the free edge, treatments, massage of the hand and the application of polish. There are also manicure services that are specialities for the hands and feet. For the hands, the soaking of a softening substance and the application of a lotion is a common speciality. When applied to the toenails and feet, this treatment is referred to as a pedicure. The word “manicure” derives from Latin: manus for “hand,” cura for “care.”

Other nail treatments may include the application of artificial nail tips, acrylics or artificial nail gels. Some manicures can include the painting of pictures or designs on the nails or applying small decals or imitation jewels.

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