Aqua Spa Wellness




While a honey massage might seem like an untraditional type of medical treatment, the ills of people living in India have responded to similar treatment for more than 1,000 years. Honey massage can be categorised as a type of Ayurvedic medicine. As such, it focuses on the relationship between consciousness and health.
Honey massage exposes the skin to a natural humectant (honey), a substance that facilitates the retention of water. By moisturizing the skin, the honey massage helps the patient to feel healthier. At the same time the honey massage produces noticeable changes in the skin. It can transform the skin in two different ways. It can aid the removal of salts and toxins, and it can promote nourishment of the skin.

A honey massage should, if done properly, lead to formation on the skin of white-gray pellets. Such pellets typically resemble plasticine, a synthetic substitute for clay. Such pellets hold the toxins and excess salts that have been released from the body during the massage. If not trapped by the tiny pellets, the toxins and excess salts could inflict possible harm on the body.

The massage therapist uses a moist, liquid honey. A well-chosen honey contains certain important nutrients. Those nutrients will enter the skin during the honey massage. Those nutrients supply the skin with chemicals that are often absent from an individual’s daily diet. In that way, a honey massage has the ability to provide the skin with added nourishment.

While the liquid honey allows the massage therapist to work with a natural substance, the prescribed method application of the honey could hardly be called “natural.” The therapist pours the honey over a designated region and then claps sharply on the honey-covered skin. The resulting pain is the one drawback occasionally mentioned by someone who has undergone a honey massage.

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