Aqua Spa Wellness



Le traitement est non seulement pour ceux qui sont désireux de café. Ce traitement comprend du café et du café épluchage enveloppement du corps entier; Peeling et enveloppement est accompagné d'une tête et des pieds massage relaxant. Les traitements entiers se termine par un soin du corps avec un peeling cosmétique ...
Most fashionmongers and celebrities take peeling procedures before they go to the solarium to properly get ready for peeling procedure. It is worth doing for after peeling the tan lies evenly and splendidly. The same, peeling is considered as the first stage prior to other cosmetic methods as wrapping procedure or masks, either as the preparation phase of the program on modeling body contours, rejuvenation procedure and detoxication of the organism. If you struggle with excess weight and cellulite, peeling is a necessary stage for you.

You only multiple the efficancy of the major procedure. Peeling with an appropriate diet is the perfect technique to get rid of excess weight, cellulite and rough skin. You may evaluate the result of the procedure at first visit, you see how your skin lifts and gets pinky. It is happy!

You are also welcome to try coffee peeling at home, and you only need some grind coffee or coffee-grounds. The scrub will be more effective if you add some cream or cosmetic milk to the coffee since the skin is more sensitive to pure coffee, anyway. The best option is some olive oil to add to coffee. For oily skin type you may use blend of coffee with liquid soap or shower gel, kind of unique Body Scrub, natural one. Apply the mixture to the skin with light round strokes and rinse under running water in a while.

Cependant, gardez à l'esprit que le café épluchage est recommandé lorsque vous avez des tumeurs malignes, les lésions de la peau, les maladies inflammatoires aiguës et infectieuses, la dermatite chronique sous forme aiguë, parasitaires et dermatophytid, la dermatite allergique, réaction aux composants des agents exfoliants. Dans le cas où vous voulez que la procédure de quelque façon, chercher les conseils professionnels du spécialiste. Forte contre-indication à café épluchage est la grossesse et de la période de lactation.

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