Aqua Spa Wellness



Shiatsu is a Japanese massage technique that uses acupressure to stimulate the flow of energy around your body, to make you feel balanced and relaxed.

What is shiatsu?

Shiatsu is a whole-body, holistic treatment that combines massage, acupressure and stretching. The word shiatsu means “finger pressure”, and sometimes, people describe the practice of shiatsu as “acupuncture without needles”.

Shiatsu is an ancient healing-massage from Asia, and is aimed at making sure that energy or “qi” (pronounced “chee”) flows freely around your body, along its “meridians” or energy-paths.

Life can be difficult – emotionally and physically, and takes its toll on your body, leaving “scars” or blockages to your energy. Like acupuncture, shiatsu aims to unblock the “qi” and restore your body’s natural balance. When your body is balanced and the energy flows freely, your general health, and self, will be well.

Shiatsu uses a range of different techniques, many of which you would find in other treatments including physiotherapy, deep tissue massage or Thai massage. As shiatsu is a healing massage, regular treatments should work with your body’s immune system and strengthen its ability to heal itself.

What is shiatsu good for?

As with other forms of massage, shiatsu encourages your blood and lymph to flow around your body, taking oxygen to your organs and skin, helping them to release toxins and stimulating your immune system. Shiatsu also acts on the nervous system and helps you to relax. Shiatsu can relieve pain and stiffness in your muscles and joints, and help your body to release tension, which in turn means that you should sleep better and feel more relaxed within yourself.

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